The USA, EU and Ukraine governments are about to have their nuts handed to them. There is no question whose side God and common decency are on. Truth, justice and the free human spirit will prevail.

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

"They are already directly saying that in 1991 they were able to split the Soviet Union and now the time has come for Russia itself and that it should disintegrate into many mortally warring regions and regions" Is this also what the League of Nations did to the Ottoman Empire in 1922?

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First time here and I'm impressed. I came from Larry Johnson's site. It's a long read but worthwhile.

I seems pretty obvious whose side our Creator is on. He's certainly on the side of the nation that commands Him to bless it. The term "God bless America" makes me cringe. It sounds like He's bossed around, bullied. Our Creator doesn't like bullies and vengeance is His.

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Phew. Another tour de force, Les. Thank you for the nuke war map. Good to know. 2nd best place to be -- outside of any fallout zone. (1st place being ground zero w/instant pouf, little-no time to suffer). 🤷

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I always read your posts. Not sure how many people do, but I find them of great value. Unfortunately, I think ignorance is the primary characteristic of our times, and as a general rule, the more educated you are, the more ignorant you are. It is the working class, and the people who's family historically were in the military that seem the most knowledgeable (Although most have blind spots). Probably because they have been on the wrong end of the various endeavors of the "elites"

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Les, a very insightful essay. I was especially taken by your paragraph,

"For Russia, this Special Military Operation (SMO) is a veil that appears for the absorption of the Eastern Ukrainian States, thought long overdue yet in fact long in the planning and preparation. Their SMO is the principle vector to draw a fully committed West into a war with Russia on Russia's terms, not theirs, apply devastating resource counter-sanctions on a thoroughly corrupt and incompetent European Union (EU), weaken those states and run them, the US and the UK out of weapons and prosperity. A decade long campaign or longer. One that positions Russia as having responded to Western Aggression. Thus, to conclude that this SMO is entirely for the protection of the Eastern Ukrainian States is to conclude wrongly."

I have often considered such a speculation myself, that Russia deliberately baited the West into committing its feeble military slight to Ukraine so it could be destroyed on non-NATO soil. I'm not sure Putin is so deceptive, but it's certainly a possibility. Certainly there were those in the Kremlin and the general staff who saw it as possible, if the West was foolish enough. In fact, they never would have started the SMO if they weren't sure they had "escalatory dominance" that could defeat any such ill-advised "sunk investment" action by the West. What I fear is the insanity of the neo-cons in Washington. Some of them are entirely capable of escalating to strategic nuclear war on the (mistaken) belief they will be safe in bunkers.

A minor point about, "...not by the superiority of Western ideas and values, of which we hear much, but rather by The West's superiority in applying organized violence," is that there's nothing inherently evil in "Western ideas and values." What's evil is the manipulative use of those ideas and values to excuse organized violence, and the denigration and ignorance of other cultures that came up with similar ideas and values.

The question for humanity in general is, are we descendants of chimpanzees or bonobos? It appears we have inherited competing traits from both. Will mankind learn to be neither liar nor dier? Will we be led by imperialists like Teddy Roosevelt or by the peacemakers of the Anti-imperial League of Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie and Helen Keller? Putin expressed bonobo traits in the original SMO, but Western chimps have forced not simply Putin, but all Russians to activate their inner chimps, at least until such time as Kiev is surrounded by pyramids of Nazi skulls and the remaining population has turned to it bonobo alternative.

When I read, "This is not a vindication of Russian policies but a clear statement of how Western objectives fail. The West is run by fools who sell out their own populations," I immediately thought of the dictum often erroneously attributed to Napoleon, "Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake."

Your essay takes a decidedly black pill orientation in your discussion of SETI and the unlikely success of an STI project. While your analysis of the likelihood of technological civilizations surviving long is probably right, our job is to delay that outcome for as long as possible. We are all Sisyphus.

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Excellent work Les, thank you - I will take time to read in depth. Agree with your thesis - Eurasia is emerging now and my only question is whether the Empire of Lies will go quietly and cooperate (unlikely) or an almighty final battle will ensue.

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The author should learn the difference between principle and principal!

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Delusional BS!

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How did you manage to write such a long piece without mentioning "Family Values" ?

Impressive, both ways...

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Over 12,000 nukes controlled by several paranoid, marxist, dictators and one senile oldFk!

You can stop worrying once everyone realizes they all dead. When is the only variable.

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The people are always cannon fodder or cheap labour in the eyes of lusters after power. There are always those who want to dominate, to grab the next shiny item of power (resource). And since those who don't lust after power feel the need to protect themselves, they increase the number of armies available to the next person who comes along and lusts after them.

Ukraine has vast untapped resources which Putin thought he could get hold of quickly and cheaply. Those underground will not be harmed by the war, but all the munitions that have fallen in the wheat fields will make farming wheat dangerous for years to come. He no longer seems to care, being driven more and more by pique rather than greed, though the greed is still there. That makes him more dangerous.

But he is following the example of the West. Britain and other countries built vast empires by conquering other countries and stripping them of their assets. Now we can but watch them squabbling over the remaining bones - us.

There are those who believe in white supremacy. And it is true that we are the best bullies, the greatest exploiters. That does not make us the best leaders. Far from it. The positive developments have not come from the rulers but mostly individuals until recently, when science and technology have become so complex that collaboration is necessary.

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Illuminating and chilling at the same time. I especially like the Seven Deadly Entitlements! How true! The world runs on an endless supply of bull shit!

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Another masterpiece essay. Everything I read from Les is at the highest level.

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“The Armed Forces as their ultimate purpose is destruction, not creation...”

Is not the armed forces a creator of security?

Of destruction yes, but the destroyer of those who would aim destroy “us”?

I ask this question from a position of great ignorance.

Bloody good stuff you’re writing mate.

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