Purpose . . .

Identifying the Relevant Totality. Sensing the Illusive Agendas.

To build constructs of reasoning and thus react with equanimity at each new enveloping reality with an unorchestrated resilience that comes with the years of experience that we all should possess.

Here, the good intentions of others of importance count for little, or nothing. Everyone has them. The only measure and it is the only measure, is outcomes. So, every manipulating political leader, every covert intelligence officer, every self-proclaimed business thought leader and every mainstream media personality will talk to their high minded values, their good intentions - for us. They avoid the adverse consequences of their conduct with studied efficiency.

This is The Realm of Hard Realism. The Age of Consequences.

Crying, weeping will not save your
Faith for bricks and dreams for mortar
All your prayers must seem as nothing
. . .

“Lucretia My Reflection” - Lyrics by Andrew Eldritch, Sisters of Mercy, 1987.

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The Decline of The West.


Geo-Political Historian . . .